Wordpress test 2016

Wordpress test 2016

25. Which of the following code snippets best protects a system from SQL injections?
• sql_real_escape_strong()
• mysql_real_escape()
• mysql_real_escape_string()
• mysql_not_real_delete_string()
77. Which of the following is a quick way to move a Wordpress website from one server to another?
• Using migration plugin
• Copying wordpress files and database from source to destination server
• Using XML export through wp-admin interface
• Install new wordpress and copy theme and plugin directory
69. Which of the following functions are used when adding CSS and jQuery codes on a WordPress plugin?
• wp_register_style
• wp_enqueue_style
• wp_enqueue_script
• None of these.
18. Which of the following actions must be performed to import data from wordpress.com?
• Enter the full access to wordpress.com into the data import form so that it can automatically connect and directly retrieve content.
• Import from wordpress.com's RSS.
• Login to wordpress.com, then the export data using the export tool, then import an exported xml file to the site.
16. Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps to adapt a WordPress plugin to a multisite?
• 1. Use $wpdb to iterate through all blogs 2. Hook according to the $blog_id 3. Install the plugin as Network only 4. Uninstall depends the specific plugin
• 1. Use $wp_posts to iterate through all blogs 2. Hook according to the $function 3. IInstall the plugin as Network only 4. Uninstall depends the specific plugin
• 1. Use $wp_posts to iterate through all blogs 2. Hook according to the $function 3. Install other activations except Network 4. Uninstall is the same for all the plugins
• 1. Use $wp_posts to iterate through all blogs 2. Hook according to the $function 3. Install the plugin as Network only 4. Uninstall is same for all the plugins
67. Which of the following is the correct code to get an array of every image uploaded to a particular post?
• $images =& get_children( 'post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&post_parent=10' );
• $images = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) );
• $images = get_post(7, ARRAY_A);
• It cannot be done
2. Which conditional tag checks if the dashboard or the administration panel is attempting to be displayed by returning "true' (if the URL being accessed is in the admin section) or "false" (for a front-end page).
• my_admin()
• view_admin()
• is_admin()
• root_admin()
29. Which of the following will correctly load localized (translated) text for a WordPress plugin?
• function custom_theme_setup() { $lang_dir = get_template_directory() . '/lang'); load_theme_textdomain('tutsplus', $lang_dir); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup');
• function custom_theme_setup() { $lang_dir = get_template_directory() . '/lang'); add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup'); }
• function custom_theme_setup() { $lang_dir = get_template_directory() . '/lang'); add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup'); } load_theme_textdomain('tutsplus', $lang_dir);
• function load_theme_textdomain('tutsplus', $lang_dir); { $lang_dir = get_template_directory() . '/lang'); custom_theme_setup(); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup');
24. Can the contents of the wp-content folder be moved or renamed without changing any settings?
• Yes
• No
71. How can the class name of a sub-menu be changed in the wp_nav_menu?
• By manually adding the class name in Appearance-->Menus
• Wordpress does not support the ability to change the class name of a sub-menu in the wp_nav_menu.
• By adding the following code in functions.php: class UL_Class_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth); $output .= "\n$indent<ul class=\"level-".$depth."\">\n"; } }
• By adding the following code in header.php: class UL_Class_Walker extends Walker_Nav_Menu { function start_lvl(&$output, $depth) { $indent = str_repeat("\t", $depth); $output .= "\n$indent<ul class=\"level-".$depth."\">\n"; } }
65. Which of the following is the correct way to get WordPress Post ID from the Post title?
• $page = get_page_title( 'About' ); wp_pages( 'exclude=' . $page->ID );
• $page = get_page_by_title( 'Home' ); $page_id = $page->ID;
• $page = get_page_by_title( 'About' ); wp_pages( 'exclude=' . $page->ID );
• None of the above
62. Which of the following code snippets will create plugins back-end page without showing it as menu item?
• add_submenu_page with parent slug = null
• add_menu_page with parent slug = null
• add_submenu_page without parent slug = null
• add_menu_page without parent slug = null
1. Which of the following will hash a string/password to its md5 equivalent?
• md5()
• wp_generate_password()
• wp_generate_md5()
• password_md5()
52. Which of the following commands can change the ownership of WordPress directory to www-data (for Apache)?
• sudo chown -Rf www-data *
• chown -Rf www-data *
• sudo crown -Df www-data *
• Alldo chown -Rf www-data *
34. Which of the following is the correct way to print the slug property of $firstTag object in this code snippet?
$tags = wp_get_post_tags($post->ID);
$firstTag = $tags[0];
• $firstTag[‘slug’];
• $firstTag->slug
• $firstTag.slug
• $firstTag[0][‘slug’]
55. Which of the following is the correct way to redirect the default login and registration page URL to a custom login and registration page URL?
• add_action('init','possibly_redirect'); function possibly_redirect(){ global $pagenow; if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow ) { return('Your custom url'); exit(); } }
• add_action('init','possibly_redirect'); function possibly_redirect(){ global $pagenow; if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow ) { wp_redirect('Your custom url'); exit(); } }
• add_action('init','possibly_redirect'); function possibly_redirect(){ global $pagenow; if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow ) { redirect('Your custom url'); exit(); } }
• add_action('init','possibly_redirect'); function possibly_redirect(){ global $pagenow; if( 'wp-login.php' == $pagenow ) { wp_return('Your custom url'); exit(); } }
57. What is the first action you need to take for enabling the WordPress multisite (MS) feature?
• Enable the WordPress multisite feature on admin panel
• Enable the Network feature
• Add this code to wp-config.php file: define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );
64. Are categories and tags available for pages?
<b>Note:</b> Categories must have distinct slugs. Even if two categories have different parents and would therefore have different permalinks, you can't assign them the same slug.
• Yes
• No
63. ____________ can manage their own profiles, but can do virtually nothing else in the administration area.
• Contributor
• Author
• Editor
• Subscriber
• Administrator
19. Meta tags can be added to WordPress pages by ________________.
• using plug-ins
• adding them to the header.php file
• updating the database
• a and
• and c
54. How can a post ID be retrieved from the permalink?
• Its not possible to retrieve the post ID from a permalink due to its structure.
• It can be retrieved by using a Regular Expression.
• wp_get_post_id($permalink)
• url_to_postid($permalink)
28. Which of the following is the correct way to retrieve a featured image from a post?
• <?php echo get_post_thumb($page->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>
• <?php echo get_featured_image($page->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>
• <?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail($page->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>
• <?php echo get_post_thumbnail($page->ID, 'thumbnail'); ?>
13. Which of the following methods can be used to make permalinks SEO friendly?
• Updating the database.
• Changing the source code.
• Configuring the feature in the config file.
• Configuring the feature in the admin settings.
66. Which of the following will correctly add custom mod rewrite rules to .htaccess from a WordPress plugin?
• $custom_mod_rewrite = new custom_mod_rewrite; register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array($custom_mod_rewrite, "generate_rewrite_rules")); class custom_mod_rewrite { function __construct() { $this->wp_rewrite = & $POST["wp_rewrite"]; }}
• $custom_mod_rewrite = new custom_mod_rewrite; register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array($custom_mod_rewrite, "generate_rewrite_rules")); class custom_mod_rewrite { function __construct() { $this->wp_rewrite = & $GLOBALS["wp_rewrite"]; } }
• $custom_mod_rewrite = new custom_mod_rewrite; register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array($custom_mod_rewrite, "generate_rewrite_rules")); class custom_mod_rewrite { function __construct() { $this->wp_rewrite = & $GLOBALS["wp_rewrite"]; } function mod_rewrite_rules($rules) { return preg_replace('#^(RewriteRule \^.*/)\?\$plugin_name .*(http://.*) \[QSA,L\]#mi', '$1 $2 [R=301,L]', $rules); } }
• $custom_mod_rewrite = new custom_mod_rewrite; register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); register_deactivation_hook( __FILE__, array($custom_mod_rewrite, 'flush_rewrite_rules')); add_action('generate_rewrite_rules', array($custom_mod_rewrite, "generate_rewrite_rules")); class custom_mod_rewrite { function __construct() { $this->wp_rewrite = & $SESSION["wp_rewrite"]; } }
5. What is the BEST way to get last inserted row ID from Wordpress database ?
• Use the following code snippet $lastid->$wpdb=$last->get_row;
• The call to mysql_insert_id() inside a transaction should be added: mysql_query('BEGIN'); // Whatever code that does the insert here. $id = mysql_insert_id(); mysql_query('COMMIT'); // Stuff with $id.
• The following code snippet should be added $last = $wpdb->get_row("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'table_name'"); $lastid = $last->Auto_increment;
• Straight after the $wpdb->insert() insert, the following code should be added: $lastid = $wpdb->insert_id;
67. Which of the following is the correct code to get an array of every image uploaded to a particular post?
• $images =& get_children( 'post_type=attachment&post_mime_type=image&post_parent=10' );
• $images = wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID) );
• $images = get_post(7, ARRAY_A);
• It cannot be done
10. Which of the following is an example of a WordPress plugin that provides multilingual capabilities?
• WP Super Cache
• qTranslate
• BuddyPress
• Hotfix
53. How can a custom content filter be added?
• By using add_action('the_content','my_custom_filter')
• By using add_filter('the_content','my_custom_filter')
• By using wp_filter('the_content','my_custom_filter')
• By using add_action('content','my_custom_filter')
11. Which of the following functions can be used to create a WordPress page?
• wp_insert_post()
• wp_insert_page()
• wp_create_post()
• wp_create_page()
39. What is the first action you need to take for enabling WordPress MU feature?
• Enable WordPress MU feature on admin panel
• Enable Network feature
• Add this code to wp-config.php file: define( 'WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true );
8. How can the upload media panel be included in a Wordpress template/plugin?
• By using function wp_enqueue_script('media-upload')
• By using function wp_add_media( );
• By using function wp_enqueue_script('upload');
• By using function wp_add_script('media-upload');
31. How can a user be found through its meta data?
• User can not be retrieved through its meta data
• get_user_by_metadata($metaid,$metavalue)
• get_user($args)
• get_users($args)
41. You can limit the number of revisions WordPress stores by _____
<b>Note:</b> Categories must have distinct slugs. Even if two categories have different parents and would therefore have different permalinks, you can't assign them the same slug.
• adding the following line to your wp-config.php file: define('WP_POST_REVISIONS', 3);
• using a plugin
• changing a setting on admin panel
75. Who of the following persons can read a post locked by password?
• Only administrators, editors and authors
• Registered users who knows password
• Anyone who knows a password
37. A possible way to allow the display of several authors' names on one post is to ______
• update the database
• change the admin settings
• change the config files
• use a plug-in
4. Which of the following WordPress Multisite functions allows for getting content from one blog and display it on another?
• switch_blog()
• switch_to_blog()
• restore_current_blog()
• restore_to_current_blog()
7. Which of the following code snippets can be used to create custom POST status in wordpress 3.0 +?
• register_new_post()
• register_post_status()
• add_new_post_status()
• modify_post_status()
58. Which of the functions below is required to create a new taxonomy?
• add_taxonomy
• register_taxonomy
• create_taxonomy
43. One possible way to collect realtime statistics about traffic on a WordPress site is:
• using a built-in tool
• using a plugin
• using a widget
• Traffic statistics cannot be collected on a WordPress site.



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Wordpress test

Wordpress test

Question no.1: you want a schedule a backup of your site database but do you know have enough permission to access your host. which of the following choices can help you perform this task?

Ans: install " wp database backup" plug in.

Question no.2: which of the following actions must be performed before upgrading WordPress?

Ans: a,b,and c.

Question no.3: which of the following files must be deleted after installing WordPress? 

Ans: none of this files

Question no.4: a possible way to install WordPress in your language is to _________?

Ans: manually install language package or translate as necessary.

Question no.5: which of the following actions must you perform to move your site from"/WordPress" to "/blog/ WordPress" ?

Ans: update the database.

Question no.6: on which of the following database can WordPress be installed by default?

Ans: MySQL 

Question no.7: WordPress's requirements are modest. at minimum , your server should support?

Ans: PHP version  4.3 or greater , MySQL version 4.0 or greater.

 Question no.8: can you override values for your site URLs in wp - confi.php?

Ans: yes.

Question no.9: after moving a WordPress site to a new host, if you changes your site's URL. do you have to updates your posts and pages to correct paths to your uploaded media files?

Ans: yes

Question no.10: is it able to run more than one site / blog from a single installation of WordPress?

Ans: yes.

Question no.11: what is the first action you need to take for enabling WordPress MU feature?

 Ans: add this code to wp confi.php file : define("WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE",true)

Question no.12: which of the following actions must be performed before enabling the network feature?

Ans: deactivate your plugins.

Question no.13: is supper cache a built in plugin of WordPress?

Ans: no.

Question no.14: after how many times did you enter an invalid password,your IP Address would be locked?

Ans: no limit.

Question no.15: Super Cache compression can cause problems if your server is ______

Ans: already compressing output using mod_ deflate (on Apache) or PHP compression (zlib)

Question no.16: can you choose your username during the installation process from which version?

Ans: 3.0

Question no.17: can you move your wp - confi.php file to the parent directory without changing any settings?

Ans: yes, provided that you are installing WordPress in your web root directory (such as public_html). otherwise it is impossible     

Question no.18: can you move your wp- content folder elsewhere or rename it to something else without changing any settings?

ans: no.

Question no.19: a possible way to collect real - time statistics about traffic to a WordPress site is to :

ans: use a plug in

question no. 20: how can the use of html  code in comments be disabled?

Ans: by changing the theme's source code.

Question no.21: the date /time format of a WordPress site can be changed in _______

Ans: admin setting.

Question no.22: _________ is a good way to improve the performance of a WordPress blog.

Ans: installing the "WP super cache" plug in. 

Question no.23: which of the following blog sites can be imported into WordPress?

Ans: opera

Question no.24: which of the following actions must be performed to import data from WordPress.com?

Ans: login WordPress .com, then export data by export tool, and import a exported xml file to your site.

Question no.25: which of the following data can you import from Blogger site?

 Ans: posts , comments, and  users.

Question no.26: can you import content from joomla or mambo site into WordPress?

Ans: yes.

Question no.27: can you import content from static HTML files into WordPress?

Ans: yes.

Question no.28: which of the following actions must be fixed after importing data into WordPress?

Ans: all of the above.

Question no.29: how many built in user roles does WordPress have?

Ans: 4 note: they are "administrator","editor", "author", "contributor" and "subscriber"  .

Question no.30: can user change their avatar on profile setting panel?

Ans: no

Question no.31: can you add an extra field to user's profiles(as birth day.birth year...)?

Ans: yes.

Question no.32: ________ can do anything in the WordPress administration area: write, edit, and delete post, pages, links, and comments; upload media files of any type; import content; manage the Dashboard ; create,edit and delete other users; enable and configure plugins and themes; change the site's theme; and manage all the available options.

Ans: administrator. 

Question no.33: _________ can publish , edit ,and delete posts and pages written by any user. they can upload some kinds of files, and they can write HTML without registration . they can manage links and categories   and they can moderate comments. Editors and administrator are also the only users allowed to read private posts and pages.

Ans: editor

Question no.34: _________ can publish ,edit,and delete their own posts. they can't write pages. they can upload some kinds of media files , and they are allowed to use only the limited set of HTML tags.

Ans: author

Question no.35: ________ can write their own posts but may not publish or delete them. their HTML is limited to the set of allowed tags and they can't upload media files.

Ans: contributor

Question no.36: ________ can manage their own profiles, but can do virtually nothing else in the administrator.

Ans: area.

Question no.37: user level 0 converts to ......

Ans: subscriber

Question no.38: user level 1convert to...

Ans: contributor.

Question no.39: user level 7 convert to...

Ans: editor

Question no.40: user level 3 convert to...

Ans: author

Question no.41: user level 10 convert to...

Ans: administrator 

Question no.42: which of the following role levels has the highest privilege?

Ana: level_10

Question no.43: does author have the ability to create a catagory?

Ans: no

Question no.44: a possible way to allow the display of several authors' names post is to________

Ans: use a plug i

Question no.45: which of the following methods can be used to enable posting via email?

Ans: configuring the feature in admin settings.

Question no.46: Image size limits can be set_________.

Ans: in the admin settings.

Question no.47: a taxonomy is a _______

Ans: group of items.

Question no.48: in which version were custom taxonomies introduced?

Ans: 2.3

Question no.49: which of the below function is required to create a new taxonomy? 

Ans: register_taxonomy

Question no.50: which of the following methods is required to post html code for others to read?

 Ans: replacing special characters with corresponding html codes or character codes.

Question no.51: can you set individual password for each post?

Ans: yes.

Question no.52: who of the following person can read a post locked by password?

Ans: anyone who knows a password

Question no.53: what is the limitation to the depth of your catagories?

Ans: no limit levels

Question no.54: can you set the same slug for two categories that have different parents?

Ans: no

  Question no.55: can a post belong to move than one categories?

Ans: yes.

Question no.56:  can you limit the number of revision WordPress stores by______

Ans:a. adding the following line to your wp config.php file : define('WP _ POST_REVISION' , 3)
b.using a plugin

Question no.57: are categories and tags not available for pages?

Ans: yes

Question no.58: which of following action must be performed before using Akismet Plugin?

Ans: create an account at WordPress.com

Question no:59: which of the following tasks should be performed before installing any widget?

 Ans: Verify that your WordPress theme is widget ready.

Question no.60: in order to display a widget, the user must __________

Ans: drag the desired widget to the side bar

Question no.61: to manually make the sidebar widget ready, the user must__________

Ans: Modify  the sidebar.php file

Question no.62: Which of the following methods can be used to eliminate spam?

Ans: a and b

Question no.63: which of the following tasks must be performed to add  a avionic icon to your site?

Ans: a and b

Question no.64: how can a logo be placed on a WordPress header?

Ans: manually add the logo to the source code.

Question no.65: which of the following theme files can be used to customize the "page not found error"
error page?

Ans: 404 . php

Question no.66: is the functions.php file required in each theme?

Ans: no 

Question no.67: which of the following files are required for completing your theme?

Ans: index.php and style.css

Question no.68: what is the name of theme file for a page with slug 'about'?

Ans: page-about.php

Question no.69: what is the name of theme file for a page with id '3'?

Ans: page - 3 .php

Question no.70: 'slug' is higher priority in use than "id" in Template Hierarchy?

Ans: yes

Question no.71: can you create a specific theme file for a custom content type?

Ans: yes

Question no.72: what is the right order (by priority in use ) to display page in Template Hierarchy?

Ans: page -{slug}.php, page - {id}.php, index.php 

Question no.73:  What is the right order (by priority in use)to display taxonomies in template Hierarchy?

Ans: taxonomy- {taxonomy}-{term}.php, taxonomy-{taxonomy}.php , taxonomy.php,archive.php, index.php

Question no.74: where can Google  ad sense be integrated into a WordPress blog?

Ans: Anywhere

Question no.75: one way to get posts from a specific day is to________  .

Ans: use the query_posts loop in the source code.

Question no.76: the "function_exists ()" function can be used to check whether a plug in is activated or not.

Ans: true

Question no.77: conditional tags can be used to____________.

Ans: change the content to be displayed.

Question no.78: using ____________________ is a good way to ensure that a WordPress site is indexed by search engines.

Ans: sitemap   

Question no.79: which of the following statements regarding permalinks on a WordPress site is true?

Ans: permalinks are optional but highly recommanded.

Question no.80: in which of the following ways can a redirect feature be added to a permalink ?

Ans: a and b

Question no.81: one way to make a WordPress page title more SEO friendly is to ____________.

Ans: change the title tag in header .php to something like "blog name>>>>category>>>>post name".

Question no.82: Meta tags can be added to WordPress pages by_____________

Ans: a. using plug ins
b.adding them to the header.php file

Question no.83: which of the following methods can be used to make permalink SEO friendly?

Ans: configuring the feature in the admin settings. 

Question: Which of the following blog site can be imported into wordpress?

a) Joomla
B) Yahoo Blog
c) Drupal
d) Blogspot
e) All of the above

Question: Which of the following methods can be used to display the time in every post?

A) Changing the config file
B) Setting the feature in the admin settings
C) Changing the index.php file
D) Updating the database

Question: A possible way to collect real-time statistics about traffic to a WordPress site is to

a) use a built-in tool
b) use a plug-in
c) use a widget
d) None of the above

Question: In order to to display a widget, the user must _____

a) Set he “Show Property” of the desired widget to “true”
b) Drag the desired widget of the side bar
c) Add the Desired widget to the post
d) Change the source code

Question: Image size can be set __________

a) Directly in the post’s
b) in the wp-imageresize plug-in
c) in the admin settings
d) a and b

Question : Which of the following methods can be used to make permalinksSEO friendly?

A) Updating the database
B) Changing the source code
C) Configuring the features in the config file
D) Configuring the features in the admin settings

Question: Where can Google Adsense be integrated into a WordPress blog?

A) Only in the sidebar
B) Only in the header
C) Anywhere
d) Only in the content

Question: Which of the following are true about Template Tags?

A) The template tag comprises of the three tag (PHP code tag, WordPress function, optional Parameters)
B) A template tag is code that instruct WordPress to do or get somethings
C) There are only two types of parameters that are supported by wordpress template tag (String, Boolean)
D) All of the above

Question: Which of the following files are mandatory for a WordPress theme?

A) Index.php
B) Style.css
C) functions.php
D) page.php

Question: Contributor may change the timestamp on a post?

A) True
B) False

Question: “Shortcodes” can be defined in WordPress.

A) True
B) False

Question: Which of the following statements are true regarding widgets and plug-in in WordPress?

A) Plug-in is a software used to add function to blog
B) Widget is an object derived from a plug-in and can be added to the sidebar
C) Widgets are alwasy plugins
D) All of the above

Question: A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flast or multimedia files.

A) True
B) Flase

Question: The “function_exist()” function can be used to check whether a plug-in activated or not?

A) True
B) False

Question: To manually make the sidebar widget ready, the user must___

A) modify the sidebar.php file (Or this)
B) Enable it in the admin settings
C) Change the index.php

Question: A theme’s source code must be changed manually in order to customize the admin login page
A) True
B) False

Question: Which of the following tasks must be performed to add a favicon icon to your site?

A) Upload a favicon icon to your side
B) Add a favicon link to the theme’s header file or update the exising favicon icon link to the new one
C) Change the favicon icon in admin settings
D) The favicon icon can not be changed

Question: How can a WordPress blog theme be used to display content in two coloumns?

A) By changing the theme options to two columns in admin settings
B) By changing the layout in the config file
C) WordPress theme cannot be customized to display posts in two columns
D) By using two-columns theme

Question: Which of the following method helps you put HTML code into a post, and get it to format the way you expect?

A) Replacing special characters with corresponding html codes or character codes
B) Using the <codegt; <pre=””
C)=”” tag=”” the=”” using=””>tag
D) None of the above : WordPres auto-replaces special character with substituted characters

Question: Which of the following options are true regarding Plug-ins in WorpPress?

A) Plug-ins can be used to eliminate spam
B) Plug-ins can be used to integrate a WordPress blog with a forum
C) Plug-ins can be used to integrate Twitter with a WordPress blog
D) Plug-ins can be used to embed javascript in a WordPress blog
E) All of the above

Question: How can a logo be placed on a WordPress header?

A) Manually add the logo to the source code
B) Upload a new logo in admin settings
C) Update the logo path in the config file

Question: Which of the following is a good reason to delete the admin account?

A) Because other users know this admin name
B) Because it is not necessary
C) To enhance performance
D) TO enhance security

Question: Which of the following keywords can be defined as “Those useful ‘one-click‘ buttons that insert code for you?

A) Quicktags
B) Shotcodes
C) Permalinks
D) Excerpts

Question: Which of the following methods can be used to add Pagination to a WordPress site?

A) Using a widget
B) Setting the feature in the admin settings
C) Using a plug-in
D) Pagination cannot be added to WordPress site

Question: Which of the following methods can be used to enable posting via e-mail?

A) Installing the wp-emailpost plug-in
B) Configuring the feature in admin settings
C) Using a widget
D) This feature is not available in WordPress

Question: Which of the following are true regarding Pages in WordPress?
A) Pages are listed in reverse chronological order
B) Pages can be static
C) Pages can be found in Categories
D) Page are not associated with a date/time like post

Question: State whether True or False
Wordpress supports all the following:
1. Create new posts
2. Edit Posts
3. Schedule post for future publishing

A) True
B) False

Question: Which of the following role level has the highest privilege?

A) Level_0
B) Level_10
C) Depends on your settings
D) Every role has the same privilege

Question: A possible way to add additional information to a wordpress blog post is to ____

A) Use the wp-addinfor plug-in
B) Use custom fields
C) Use a widget

Question: Which of the following actions performed before upgrading WordPress?

A) Back up the site
B) Disable plugins
C) Enable FTP on the site
D) All of the above

Question: Which of the following methods can be used to eliminate spam?

A) Using the “wp-captcha-free” plug-in
B) Using the “askimet” plug-in
C) Using a widget
D) None of the above

Question: Which of the following needs to be edited in order to creat the function for the shortcode?

A) Index.php
B) functions.php
C) post.php
D) page.php

Question: Which of the following arguments are accepted in shortcodes handler function while using shortcode API?

A) $atts
B) $Content
C) $code
D) All of the above

Question:A plug-in must be used in order to allow users to post flash of multimedia files.


Question: You want to schedule a backup of your site database but do not have enough permission to access your host. of the following choices can help you perform this task?

a)se phpMyAdmin
b)Install “wp database backup” plug-in
c)Use cron job to schedule.
d)Cannot schedule

Question: Using ——— is a good way to ensure that a WordPress site is indexed by search engines.

a)a sitemap
c)a widge
upwork u.s. english basic skills test answer 2016

upwork u.s. english basic skills test answer 2016

1. Which of the following sentences illustrates incorrect pronoun usage?
• The wet dog shook itself off, wagged its tail, and proceeded on its way.
• Don't take the silver goblet out of its protective case or you'll ruin it.
• You should wear that jacket to their wedding because it's the nicest one you have.
• It's not too late to answer their ad for a waitress, is it?
• None of the above
2. Rearrange the following words to create the most logical and grammatically correct sentence.
with can't phone . on Whenever always to the time spend I speak I my friend , him
• Whenever I always phone on my friend to speak, I can't spend the time with him.
• Whenever I spend time on the phone to him, I can't always speak with my friend.
• Whenever I speak to him, I can't always spend time with my friend on the phone.
• Whenever I can't speak to him on the phone, I always spend time with my friend.
• Whenever I can't spend time with my friend, I always speak to him on the phone.
3. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.
Those who are not wise ____________  .
• do not need be necessarily stupid
• need not necessarily be stupid
• need not to be necessarily stupid
• does not need to be necessarily stupid
4. Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Will you be going to the company picnic this year?
• Yes, I will have always gone every year.
• No, unfortunately I didn't have time this year.
• Yes, and I plan on swimming, fishing, and eating all day!
• I might go if I had known about it sooner.
5. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Whiskey, my pet squirrel, jumped ________ my head and ________ the windowsill.
• over, onto
• through, into
• from, under
• into, onto
6. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct usage of articles and conjunctions?
• Celine lives on Arthur Street; however, she works on Beatrice Boulevard.
• I would eat a peach every day if I could, nor the doctor told me I couldn't.
• Will Gertrude play the piano or an harp at the concert?
• Although she is angry at them, neither her son and her father will be at the party.

7. Which of the following sentences does NOT illustrate correct verb and verb tense usage?

a. Frank and Marjorie have opened a new chocolate shop on the corner.

b. By the time I get there, all the best candy will have been eaten already.

c. They was going to sell pastries as well, but then decided against it.

d. Have you ever wondered how many jelly beans there are in the world?
8. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?
• Everyone knows that a mango is much sweeter to an orange.
• I saw the girl with my own eyes who said she had been abducted by aliens.
• Either one of you should try and to fix their broken fence.
• The queen had hardly finished her speech when the people began to disperse.
9. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
Don't ________ think Larry should call ________ wife if ________ is going to be late for dinner?
• you, his, he
• we, your, his
• he, his, he
• you, his, himself
10. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
Neither we ________ Sal, our neighbor, could understand ________ it had been our dog Rover or Sal's
 cat's kittens _________ had destroyed all the flower beds in the middle of _______ night.
• nor, whether, that, the
• or, if, who, the
• and, whether, than, a
• nor, if, that, a
11. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
After realizing that our hosts hadn't actually invited ______ to ______ party, ______  excused ______  from 
the table and slipped out the back door.
• us, their, we, ourselves
• ourselves, theirs, we, us
• them, our, they, themselves
• us, our, we, himself
12. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
That house used to be ______ , but ______ have given it to ______.
• my, I, her
• mine, me, her
• mine, I, her
• myself, she, her
13. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
While __________ of our relatives live on the __________ hill in the county, __________ of our friends 
live in the __________ __________ areas of the valley.
• more, windy, many, most, protection
• most, windier, more, most, protective
• many, windiest, most, more, protected
• many, winding, more, most, protected
14. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?
• 'Come here, she said, and let me get a good look at you.'
• Come here she said, and let me get a good look at you.
• "Come here," she said. "and let me get a good look at you."
• "Come here," she said, "and let me get a good look at you."
15. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of apostrophes?
• Helga borrowed her friend's skates for the day; however, she failed to return them.
• Thousand's of bargains are available during the holiday season, but I cant find time to shop.
• The koala bear closed it's eyes and fell fast asleep.
• Although I like the Joneses, I'm angry at them for breaking all of Ralphs' tools.
16. Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following passage.
I find it very hard to remember _________ letters that are entrusted to me. In fact, I remember _________ to
 do so dozens of times!
• to mail, forgetting
• mailing, to forget
• to mail, to forget
• mailing, forgetting
17. Choose the series of adjectives and adverbs that best completes the following sentence.
We were surprised when the ________ parade ________ turned into a ________ party!
• dull, suddenly, wild
• duller, all of a sudden, wilder
• dullest, suddenly, wildest
• dull, sudden, wild
18. Choose the option that correctly changes the original sentence from active voice to passive voice.
That tall man is carrying a lot of lumber.
• The tall man carries a lot of lumber.
• Is being carried by that tall man, the lumber.
• The lumber is carried by the tall man.
• A lot of lumber is being carried by that tall man.
19. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
"Sharon must go to the bank today," said Albert.
• Albert says Sharon will have to go to the bank today.
• Albert said Sharon has to go to the bank today.
• Albert says Sharon must go to the bank today.
• Albert said Sharon had to go to the bank that day.
20. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
The deer ran quickly _______  the trees, its hooves pounding _______  the forest floor.
• amid, from
• over, at
• through, on
• throughout, on

21. Which of the following sentences illustrates the proper use of parallel construction?

a. Arthur failed when he tried to open the lock with a key, but succeeded when he tried to open it with a hammer.
b. We painted the conference room yellow, hung a poster on the wall, and are rearranging the chairs.
c. No one in the room knew that the doors had been locked and that policemen will be running up the stairs.
d. Andrea is incapable of walking and to talk at the same time
22. Which of the following sentences illustrate(s) the proper use of commas?
• Randy wanted to end the meeting, but Amy wanted to prolong it.
• After pouring herself a glass of water in silence, Nicky answered my question.
• The committee, which had failed to come to a consensus decided to meet again on Tuesday.
• Mr. Bridges is never home on the weekends, he always goes to his home in the country.
• a and b
• All of the above
23. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following passage.
Although Marvin said he had hidden the keys _______ the flower pot, we were unable to find them 
  _______ the dark. In the end, we waited for him at the coffee shop ___________ the corner.
• under, in, around
• in, with, at
• around, at, on
• beside, from, around
24. Which of the following sentences does NOT illustrate correct verb and verb tense usage?
• These repetitive and misleading guidelines could easily be interpreted in several different ways.
• Clarabelle's mother absolutely hated nicknames and always calls her daughter by her full name.
• The Imagist movement in poetry is commonly regarded as having begun in the early twentieth century.
• We all danced across the lawn and lifted Zoe above our heads in triumph.
25. Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
Alison regrets _________ you with her remarks; she never meant _________ so.
• to hurt, doing
• to hurt, to do
• hurting, doing
• hurting, to do
26. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jack, leaning casually ________ the tree, watched as Sally walked slowly ________ him.
• against, toward
• toward, against
• upon, past
• off, beside
27. Read the following question and choose the response that uses the correct corresponding verb tense.
Does Jack wear that furry hat often?
• No, he just liked to wear it for fun sometimes.
• Yes, but don't said anything about it to him.
• Yes, and it can so annoying!
• No, he only wears it when his ears are cold.
28. Choose the series of verbs that best completes the following sentence.
If Harry __________ to the party too early, don't let him in; he __________ outside like everyone else.
• gets, will have to wait
• got, waits
• gets, is waiting
• has gotten, must be waiting
29. Complete the following sentence by choosing the phrase with the best word order from the options given.
The excited children, who had run toward the loud _____________ .
• music and then told the others about the ice cream truck outside
• music, are telling to the others about the ice cream truck outside
• ice cream truck to tell the others about the music outside
• music, told the others about the ice cream truck outside
30. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
_______ she was feeling ill, Teresa wanted to eat only _____ apple _____ some soup.
• Yet, the, or
• After, an, and
• Because, an, or
• If, a, and
31. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct verb and verb tense usage?
• Did Annabel knowingly lie on the witness stand?
• We think the judge will have noticed something strange in her behavior.
• The lawyers had decided to keep her testimony a secret.
• Somehow, all of the newspapers gotten hold of the story.
32. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Jeremy drove his motorcycle _______ the bridge, _______ the hill, and _______ the diner before finally
 parking it _______ two police cars.
• beside, among, behind, near
• beneath, over, under, on
• across, down, past, between
• under, around, through, into
33. Which of the following sentences illustrates correct verb and verb tense usage?
• Until the snow is melting, the train is not able to move.
• Until the snow does not melt, the train will not be able to move.
• Until the snow melts, the train will not be able to move.
• Until the snow will melt, the train will not be able to move.
34. Which of the following sentences illustrates proper sentence structure?
• Walking down the street, my eyes were drawn to a diamond in a store window.
• A small red car pulled up behind the woman with tinted windows.
• The man in the black cape mounted his powerful stallion and rode away.
• The cats chased the birds around the yard with the yellow beaks.
35. Change the following sentence from a quotation to indirect speech.
"I'm not feeling well," Agatha said.
• Agatha has said that she doesn't feel well.
• According to Agatha, she isn't feeling well.
• Agatha said she wasn't feeling well.
• Agatha says she isn't feeling well.
36. Choose the series of articles and conjunctions that best completes the following sentence.
I think Fran could be ______ great public speaker, _______ she is still too shy to try it.
• the, although
• a, but
• an, however
• a, and

37. Which of the following sentences illustrates coned pronoun usage?
a. To whom are your employees going to report while you’re gone?
b. Each monkey had its own bunch of bananas to munch on.
c. Neither of us had any idea that the Robinsons were selling their beach house.
d. Delilah congratulated herself on a job well done.
e. All of the above
38. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
_______  is the name of the opera, and _______ role did you say Maria would play?
• This, which
• Who, that
• What, which
• Which, what
39. Choose the series of prepositions that best completes the following sentence.
Charlotte knew ___________ the secret investigation _________ her past, but she closed her eyes to
 it and pretended it wasn't happening.
• of, about
• on, of
• about, to
• of, after
40. Choose the series of pronouns that best completes the following sentence.
Victor, who stole _______ ideas and used them to make _______ a millionaire, never once
 offered _______ a word of thanks.
• our, himself, we
• their, them, himself
• your, us, you
• our, himself, us